Workshops am Donnertag, 27.05.2010

Workshops Levels: O = offen, AmV = Anfänger mit Vorkenntnissen, M = Mittelstufe, F = Fortgeschrittene, Master = Masterclass

Workshops Donnerstag 27. Mai 2010

Ort: Gymnastik Centrum Sodenstr. 3a / Hannover City

Do. 18.15-22.00h

18.15 - 20.00 h

Level: AmV-F 32,- €

Adventures in Steampunk

- Abenteuer Steampunk -


20.15 - 22.00h

Level: M/F 32,- €

Building Posture for Dramatic Expression in GothicTribal

Drills for body and mind in Ascend Tribal


Workshops Freitag, 28. Mai 2010

Ort: Sashi (Ballettsaal Haus der Jugend) / Fayzah (Gymnastik Centrum)

Fr. 17.00- 19.00h

Level: M/F 35,- € 17.00 - 19.00 h

The Power of Ascend Tribal Signature Moves

Expressive Combinations à la Sashi


Level: M/F 35,- € 17.00-19.00 h

Magic Goddess Flow

Curvy lines and effective level changes


Workshops Samstag 29. Mai 2010

Sa 10.00-12.00h

Level: M/F 35,- €

New Creative Combinations / ATS


(Certified FatChanceBellyDance Instructor)

Level: AmV-F 35,- €

Nouveau Noir Dance

Reflects the Art of the early 1900’s with the Art Deco and the Oriental craze


Level: M/F 35,- €

Signature Moves

Amazing Fluid Movements (inspired by sea animals) & brandnew Combos


Level: AmV 32,- €

The World of Tribal Fusion

- für Einsteiger -

Mariam al Rashi

Sa 12.30-14.30h

Level: M/F 35,- €

Tribal Bellydance Old School

Combos & Transitions

Les Soeurs Tribales

Level: M/F 35,- €

The Mind of Ascend Tribal/Signature Moves:

Mind Blowing Sharp and Strong Movements & A Short Choreo


Level: A/AmV 32,- €

Gothic Tribal:

Cues and Combos


Offen 32,- €

"Straighten the Pose"

Gezieltes Muskulatur- und Haltungstraining, das ultimative MUST für jede Tribal Tänzerin!!!!


Sa 15.00-17.00h

Level: A/AmV 32,- €

The Spirit of

American Tribal Style (ATS)

für Anfänger & Einsteiger

Gabriella (Nea´s Tribal)

3 Std. / 15.00-18.00h F/Master 55,-€

A Gothic Trilogy

With Neo-Victorian Goth, Industrial Goth and Steampunk concepts


Level: M/F 35,- €

Hot Hip-Hop Movements

for Tribal Fusion


Level: M/F 35,- €

Balinese Fan Choreo

Mitreißende Fächerschleier-Choreografie à la

Les Soeurs Tribales

Workshops Sonntag 30. Mai 2010

So 10.00-12.00h

Level: M 35,- €

Indian Tribal Fusion

Elegante Mudras & fasziniernde Choreo


Level: M/F 35,- €

The Fabulous Forbidden Art of Floorwork

Brandnew Twists and Gothic Combinations


Level: F 35,- €

Power Duets to Duelling Duets/ATS

Dynamic Formations


(Certified FatChanceBellyDance Instructor)

Level: M/F 35,- €

Signature Moves

Tribal bellydance new school®

Les Soeurs Tribales

So 12.30-14.30h

3 Std. / 12.30-15.0h F/ Master 55,-€

The Dark Angel of Gothic Tribal

Captivating Stage Expression/

The Ultimate Gothic Input


3 Std. / 12.30-15.30h F/Master 55,-€

Robot Cat Style

geschmeidige Moves kontrastiert durch Robotic Pops und Hingucker-Akzente


Level: AmV/M 32,- €

Amazing Voi (Schleier-Poi)

Mini-Choreo & Kombis mit 2 Veilpois

Sibel Nefa

Level: M/F 32,- €

Tribal Fusion: Hungarian Speed

Folk Choreography

Patricia (perlatentia)