10th World of Orient with Liza LaZiza
Our Cooperation Partners

10 Years World of Orient

For their big support we want to thank all members in the team, friends, dancers and partners.

Special Thanks go to the team of FZH Vahrenwald.

Radio Flora www.radioflora.de
O-Ton Team www.o-ton-team.de
citymanager www.citymanger.de
Kulturserver Nds. www.kulturserver.de
Künstlerhaus Hannover www.kulturserver.de
Stadt Hannover/
FZH Vahrenwald
Tel: 0511/168-40609
Center of World Musik Hildesheim
Hotel Ibis www.ibishotel.com
Marktkauf www.marktkauf.de
Druckerei Carl Küster www.druckerei-kuester.de

We also thank André Elbig for the photographs and Liza LaZiza for let us use her picture as our this years title image.